Psira Security Control Room Requirements

WHAT DOES A SECURITY CONTROL ROOM MANAGER DO? Security control room managers are employed by corporations and specialised security companies to protect life and property. They are highly trained, as security work deals with potentially dangerous situations. They work in the security control room, and operate and monitor all the functions within it including surveillance, … Read more

Psira Code Of Conduct For Security Guards In South Africa

Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority Proper Conduct And Appeal Code of conduct 28.1. The Minister must, after consultation with the Council, prescribe a code of conduct for security service providers which contains sufficient procedures and rules of evidence for its enforcement. 28.2. The code of conduct is legally binding on all security service providers, irrespective … Read more

What is PSiRA grade E?

PSIRA E-Grade (SASSETA E – Patrol Security Officer) This course introduces individuals to the Private Security Industry and provides knowledge of what is expected to uphold the Law as Security Officers. In particular, a Patrol Security Officer would acquire the skills to: Use security equipment PSIRA GRADES E-A Guardian Maritime Defense Pty Ltd (“GMDSA”) only recruits … Read more

How much is grade C salary?

Security guard salaries in South Africa The salaries of security guards in South Africa vary according to their grading. The minimum salary, based on the National Minimum Wage Act is, on average across the grades, R21,23 per hour. Minimum salaries differ according to areas as identified in the Minimum Wage Act. Areas 2 and 3 are … Read more