How do I contact SARS call center?

The South African Revenue Service (SARS) can be contacted through its call center. However, please note that contact information and procedures may have changed since then. To contact the SARS call center in South Africa, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Phone Number: The main contact number for SARS is typically 0800 00 SARS (0800 00 7277). This number is toll-free within South Africa.
  2. Operating Hours: SARS call centers usually have specific operating hours. Make sure to call during their business hours for assistance.
  3. Prepare Information: Before you call, it’s helpful to have your personal identification details (like your tax number) and specific questions or issues you want to discuss with SARS.
  4. Be Patient: Depending on the time of day and call volume, you may experience some wait times. Be patient and wait for a customer service representative to assist you.
  5. Alternative Contact Methods: SARS also offers online services and email contact options. You can check the official SARS website for alternative ways to get in touch with them.
  6. Visit a SARS Branch: If you prefer face-to-face assistance, you can visit a SARS branch office in your area. Check the official SARS website for branch locations and operating hours.
  7. Online Assistance: SARS has an online portal where you can access various services and information. You may find answers to your questions or assistance through their website.

Remember that contact information and procedures can change, so it’s a good idea to verify the current contact details on the official SARS website or through a trusted government resource before attempting to reach them. Additionally, if you have a tax practitioner or accountant, they may be able to assist you with your SARS-related inquiries.